

Here is a list of the wonderful locations that carry StableFeed products!
Don't see a location near you? Please contact us and tell us the name of your local store. Also, please contact your local store and let them know they should carry our products. We need your help to get our products closer to you!


**Organized Alphabetically By State**


Country Lane Tack
1655 SW Hwy 484, Unit 102, Ocala, FL 
(352) 203-4803

Exceptional Equestrian
World Equestrian Center, Ocala, FL 
(603) 428-3255



The Good Apple Equine
255 SW 60th Ave,  Ocala, FL 
(352) 789-6544
**Contact Prior To Pick Up**


Wholesome Equine Nutrition
Canton, GA
(561) 601-2310 wholefoodsforhorses@gmail.com

Lansing Lumber Farm & Feed
211 N Main St, Lansing, KS
(913) 727-3211
140 Venture Ct, Lexington, KY
(800) 928-7777
Stone Brook Equine
 Ludington, MI
(231) 690-4892  stonebrookequine@yahoo.com
Windjourney Farm
Mazepa, MN 
(612) 961-5219  
*Contact Prior To Pick Up*
Heartsong Equestrian Center
North Branch, MN 
(218) 591-5271 heartsongec88@gmail.com
StableFeed Headquarters
302 5th St SE, Kasson, MN 
(507) 487-2323 
NW Equestrian LLC : Ashley Creek Stables
Kalispell, MT
(406) 212-3821 nwequestrianmt@gmail.com
Moore Equine Feed & Pet Supply
1012 N May St, Southern Pines, NC
(910) 692-2385 

The Cheshire Horse
8 Whittemore Farm Road, Swanzey, NH 
(877) 358-3001



Henniker Farm & Country Store 
110 Bradford Rd, Henniker, NH 
(603) 428-3255
Equine Essentials
3305 Center Road, Suite 11, Brunswick, OH
(440) 653-5343 
Aiken Saddlery
1090 E Pine Log Road, Aiken, SC
(803) 649-6583 

Chainey Briar Stables
Ridgeville, SC 
(843) 209-6810   

Indigo Ancestral Health
6666 Carters Run Rd, Marshall, VA 
Personal: (540) 422-0994 Office: (540) 364-9111


Hungry Like The Woof
7152 Farm Station Road, Warrenton, VA
(540) 349-9663








Getty Equine Nutrition - Dr. Juliet Getty